Earth day

Earth day

The EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool)
is a global ecolabel for technology products. It is a program

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我們遵循WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) 考慮到產品廢棄時所造成的環境汙染問題,採用易於回收且環保的設計,負起回收的責任和費用 我們為客戶所產生的廢氣電子電機設備收集、處理、回收、環保處理,一切都確保每一步都完全合規執行。 我的材料要回收♻️


EEE 製造商必須向消費者提供有關 EEE 產品處置的資訊:收集地點、丟棄位置、 回收解決方案等。EEE 產品必須標有帶輪垃圾箱上面畫上叉叉符號。如果 EEE 產品太小無法顯示該符號,則必須在用戶手冊中顯示該符號。


The MSI Business & Productivity Desktop & All in One PCs unequivocally incorporate PCR plastic, significantly diminishing plastic waste sent to landfills and actively contributing to environmental conservation.

有哪些PCR的產品? ♻️

41.5% 消費後回收塑膠 (PCR)

PRO DP21 14MQ 電腦含有 41.5% PCR PCR塑膠,減少了送往垃圾掩埋場的塑膠廢物,為環境保護做出了貢獻。


為有效回收使用後的塑膠製品,促進循環經濟發展,實踐消費者與社會對於環保的要求, 市場上提供消費後回收(Post-Consumer Recycled, PCR)解決方案,可將使用後的容 器甚至建築板材等產品,回收清洗後再造成塑膠顆粒,賦予塑料二次生命,我們使用經認證單 位公證過的原料供應商,合乎國際規範。

Empowering Sustainability
The Role of MSI Power Meter in Green Computing

As environmental concerns become increasingly important in today's digital landscape, it is crucial to monitor and optimize computer power consumption. To address this issue, MSI has introduced the Power Meter software. This tool provides users with a comprehensive solution to track power usage and implement energy-saving measures. It plays a vital role in promoting sustainability for MSI All-in-One PCs and Business & Productivity Desktop PCs in the near future.

Computers consume power through a variety of factors, such as the hardware specifications, software operations, and user behavior. By comprehending these elements in-depth, users can identify ways to enhance efficiency and make informed choices to prevent energy waste. Adjusting power settings not only helps reduce electricity bills but also contributes to reducing carbon emissions, thereby mitigating the environmental impact.

MSI Power Meter Software

The MSI Power Meter Software is a revolutionary tool that helps users manage and monitor their computer's power consumption. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, the software enables users to gain insights into their energy usage patterns and implement customized power-saving settings easily. Whether you need to monitor real-time power consumption or activate one-click power-saving modes, the MSI Power Meter offers unparalleled convenience and functionality.

Empowering Sustainability
The Role of MSI Power Meter in Green Computing

ays a vital role in promoting sustainability for MSI All-in-One PCs and Busines s & Productivity Desktop PCs in the near future.


